Logo for Naracoorte Golf Club
Naracoorte Golf Club

Phone 08 8762 2121
“Parklands”, Stewart Terrace, Naracoorte


Played in conjunction with the Naracoorte Golf Club monthly medal

last Saturday 2017 Golf South East Junior Champion Mitchell

Handford carded a 79 off the stick to win the monthly medal. The

talented 13 year old playing off a handicap of 9 recorded a score of

nett 70 for an impressive winning performance.

Parker Smith finished second to Handford in the in Open

Championship and Callam Harvey was second to Handford in the

handicap event.

There are a number of future professional golfers resident in the

South East and the financial and teaching support they get between

the age of 12-16 will be critical to their long term future.

Dr Brian and Sue Norcock long time sponsors of this event continue

to encourage the development of junior golf in the region and Brian

presented the trophies to the winners.